Inject Object

Basic Object Injection

Now you know how to create a component, but what if we would like to use other components in a component? For this case, you can declare the components you need as the class primary constructor parameters.

class HelloWorldMessageProvider {
val message = "Hello World!"
class SayHelloToConsole(
private val messageProvider : HelloWorldMessageProvider
) : LifeCycleHook {
override fun onEnable(){

Reactant will automatically arrange the load order of your components, and inject the required objects when constructing.


Instead of inject the object by the exact class, you can also inject the object by abstract class or interface.

interface MessageProvider{
val message
class HelloWorldMessageProvider : MessageProvider {
override val message = "Hello World!"
class SayHelloToConsole(
private val messageProvider : MessageProvider
) : LifeCycleHook {
__ override fun onEnable(){