
Reactant translation implemented with reflections, which allow you to get the translated text with a neat function call.

Define your translation string table

The I18nTable is a class which act like a schema, the table class must:

  1. Annotated with @I18n()
  2. Implemented I18nTable
  3. open concrete class (i.e. open non-abstract)
  4. No constructor parameters

To define your translation string, you can declare an open function with the parameters you need and return the default translation inside the I18nTable.

import dev.reactant.reactant.extra.i18n.I18n
import dev.reactant.reactant.extra.i18n.I18nTable
@I18n("This is an example translation table")
open class ExampleI18nTable : I18nTable {
open fun blamePlayer(playerName: String, itemName: String) = "$playerName destroyed the $itemName! ;C"
open fun summon(playerName: String, petType: String, amount: Int) = "$playerName summoned $amount $petType!"

Edit translation

Generate translation file

We provided a command tools for you to manage your translations file more easily.

To list all declared i18n table in the server, run the following command:

reactant i18n ls

To generate the dummy translation file for further usage, run the following command:

# example to generate en and zh_HK language file for all i18n table
reactant i18n generate --language en --language zh_HK
# example to generate en language file for all i18n table start with com.example.
reactant i18n generate com.example.*

Now you can go to plugins/Reactant/i18n/tables/<path_to_your_class>/en.json to find your translation file. The generated translation file contains the parameters name to hint you.

"translations": {
"blamePlayer": "$playerName $itemName",
"summon": "$playerName $petType $amount"

You can edit the text in the translation file and use $PARAMETER_NAME to replace the text. The missing translation field will be replaced with the default translation from the i18n table.

"translations": {
"blamePlayer": "$playerName destroyed my lovely $itemName..."

Use the translation string


To get the translation string in component, you can inject the translation class directly.

class ExampleTranslationUsage(
private val exampleTexts: ExampleI18nTable
) : LifeCycleHook{
override fun onEnable() {
MyFirstPlugin.log.info(exampleTexts.blamePlayer("The rats", "keyboard"))

Change server default language

You can change the server default language setting in plugins/Reactant/i18n/config.json:

"languages": [